For whatever reason I cannot stop thinking about this scripture today. The statement is stuck in my mind. Grace really is a beautiful thing. Not only that but it really is the forefront of our faith. God doing for us, what we cannot, and could not and never would have been able to do. I think sometimes we (at least I do) use the term grace flippantly, using the term as if it were something common. But Grace is the farthest thing from common. Another translation of the scripture is “it is by grace we are being saved, through faith. Grace is the constant life source of a Christian. We do not receive grace once when we are saved and then handle it on our own. It’s by the constant working of grace in our life that we walk out the Christian life.
It’s a beautiful thing, the way our Lord orcastrated our salvation. We come to Him beggars with no power to save ourselves. We are not worthy to be forgiven or to be saved. Yet he takes the fierce wrath that we deserve and he piles it on the sacrifice of Christ, and he gives us a grace. He credits to our account righteousness. Then we still have no power, no ability to sustain ourselves. Yet he sustains us moment by moment through grace. Grace is not just an action. It’s a tangible active force that keeps us going, keeps us active, keeps us clean, keeps us living, and keeps us loving Jesus.
It’s the beautiful exchange.
“It is by grace you have been saved, through faith” Ephesians 2:8